Welcome to The Mother God Experiment! If you are a Jesus-follower and a feminist, you will find this blog a safe place to explore feminine images for God. Together, we will chip away at our masculine-only God image, until there is room for the image of woman, too.
This is my personal experiment and you are coming along. And you can do it, too. See my devotional resources or e-mail me at sjmharrison@protonmail.com to connect.
To get started on the blog, and find out why I started it, check out my page What Is the Mother God Experiment?
I love to learn, and The Mother God Experiment is a result of curiosity and a craving to grow. I earned the Master of Divinity from Regent College in 2004 and the Master of Clinical Psychology from George Fox University in 2008.
Besides writing and blogging, I unschool two exceptional kids in the Pacific Northwest, along with my husband. When we can, we read, write and do curbside gardening.
The early phase of my experiment in changing my God image was reflective and subjective, attempts to understand the feminine side of God better through my own experience of mothering. Gradually, I came to realize that Bible-based Christians need some solid reasons to experiment with calling God Mother. There are many. You might start here.
I also enjoy writing about new or little known angles on women in the Bible. One of my favorite posts is about Photina, aka The Woman at the Well. Lastly, I love to experiment with changing up the old white images of God and Jesus that hurt people of color and simply aren’t based in history or fact. And #BlackLivesMatter in the Bible, too; the Bible is full of Africans we need to meet like Zipporah, Hagar, and the Shulamite.
If you’re needing reasons to stay a Christian, as a feminist, or need healing from gender discrimination in the church, check out my book, Saving Women from the Church: How Jesus Mends a Divide.
I’d love to know you’re out there. Find me here on Facebook.
Stay updated with the latest discoveries and musings on learning to call God Mother (or Mama, or the Woman Upstairs...).