Two books I used for my personal devotions during the first year of the experiment:
Swallow’s Nest: A Feminine Reading of the Psalms by Marchienne Vroon Rienstra
The Divine Feminine Version of the New Testament by The Christian Godde Project
I added this one recently, a full translation of OT and NT by Priests for Equality:
The Inclusive Bible: The First Egalitarian Translation
For theological, Biblical and historical information about God as Mother, I refer to these:
Is It Okay to Call God Mother? Considering the Feminine Face of God by Paul R. Smith
Not Only a Father: Talk of God as Mother in the Bible and Christian Tradition by Tim Bulkeley
Jesus as Mother: Studies in the Spirituality of the High Middle Ages by Carole Walker Bynum
The Divine Feminine: The Biblical Imagery of God as Female by Virginia Ramey-Mollenkott
The Divine Feminine in Biblical Wisdom Literature: Selections Annotated and Explained by Rabbi Rami Shapiro
Sophia: Aspects of the Divine Feminine, Past & Present by Dr. Susanne Schaup
For an incredible compilation of book reviews that may be of interest in your spiritual journey as a Christian feminist, go here to Christian Feminism Today’s list. I’ll be working my way through, one. book. at. a. time.
Stay updated with the latest discoveries and musings on learning to call God Mother (or Mama, or the Woman Upstairs...).